№ 548: Lovella


Credits: CODEX _Valdaro Gauged Earriings - Fameshed X Exclusive
100% original Mesh, rigged mesh for: Swallow gauged XL (M-F), Genus morph Extreme (M-F), Genus morph Large (M-F) - M/F packs are available separately
♦ Change each parts with 4HD metals - Legacy texture / PBR materials
♦ Full bright ♦ Control Hud
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Vezzo Ink Tattoo -   Lovella at the mainstore
Ftpk of 2 colors (Red, Black) - In one & separate pieces. [2k] BOM ONLY!!!
4 opacities 25% / 50% / 75% / 100%
Compatible with:Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX (AKERUKA ADVX), GA.EG BoMGenX, LOGO, CRYPTID heads.
Belleza, GenX, Signature, Maitreya, Ebody Reborn + Juicy, Legacy bodies.
Inworld Store: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Fashion%20Boulevard%20II/179/9/22
Follow Vezzo Ink on FlickrFacebook Instagram to keep updated about new releases

Other Credits: SPIRIT - Pinklady dress, DOUX - Bebe Hairstyle, Sequoia - Lightning Eyes, ^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL Ears (f), :::ChicChica::: Strawberry marmalade. & Strawberry

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